Sunday, June 09, 2019

A Chapter-by-Chapter Refutation of Dr. Taylor Marshall’s Book, Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within. Part Two

II.                  Chapter 1: The Smoke of Satan or A Whiff of Bushwa.
This post is the second in a series of articles I hope to present as a refutation of the conspiracy claims of Dr. Taylor Marshall which he advances in his book, Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within (Manchester, NH: Sophia Institute Press 2019), in which he contends that in accordance with a plot hatched in the 19th century Satan has replaced the popes of the Catholic Church with one of his own.  This reviews Chapter 1 of the book, “The Smoke of God and the Smoke of Satan.”

The first piece of evidence we will consider is the central fact around which Chapter 1 is written.  Dr. Marshall offers the reader a quote from Pope St. Paul VI’s  1 homily given during a Mass said on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul and in commemoration of the ninth anniversary of being crowned as Bishop of Rome.  Paul VI is supposed to have said:

“We would say that, through some mysterious crack — no, it’s not mysterious; through some crack, the smoke of Satan has entered the Church of God. There is doubt, uncertainty, problems, unrest, dissatisfaction, confrontation.” 

Dr. Marshall goes on:

This testimony of Paul VI acknowledged not merely that the Catholic Church had experienced secularization but that the smoke of Satan himself had entered the Church through a crack. 

Marshall goes on to ask, :”What is this satanic smoke?” 2  After asking the rhetorical question, he journeys through the Scriptures to prove that the smoke of Satan that Pope St. Paul VI is the same smoke referenced in Revelation:

I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key of the shaft of the bottomless pit; he opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth. (Rev. 9:1–3)

The power that Marshall says that passage refers to is a satanic pope set upon the throne of St. Peter in the place of Christ’s vicar.
We know what Dr. Marshall wants us to believe is the “smoke of Satan”, but is it the same thing that Pope St. Paul VI meant by the phrase?  As we shall see, they are not.

As noted previously, Marshall does not provide the source of his Pauline quote. Apparently, he does not wish his readers to read the quote in context for themselves.  I would suggest at this juncture, if he had, Marshall’s readers would soon see that Pope St. Paul VI’s “smoke of Satan” is something far different than what Dr. Marshall makes it out to be in his book.

Here is the link to the original text of the homily found on the Vatican website.  Here is the translation of the text provided to us on the website of Jimmy Akin.  The relevant sections are as follows:

Referring to the situation of the Church today, the Holy Father affirms that he has a sense that “from some fissure the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God.”  There is doubt, incertitude, problematic, disquiet, dissatisfaction, confrontation.  There is no longer trust of the Church; they trust the first profane prophet who speaks in some journal or some social movement, and they run after him and ask him if he has the formula of true life.  And we are not alert to the fact that we are already the owners and masters of the formula of true life.  Doubt has entered our consciences, and it entered by windows that should have been open to the light.  Science exists to give us truths that do not separate from God, but make us seek him all the more and celebrate him with greater intensity; instead, science gives us criticism and doubt.  Scientists are those who more thoughtfully and more painfully exert their minds.  But they end up teaching us:  “I don’t know, we don’t know, we cannot know.”  The school becomes the gymnasium of confusion and sometimes of absurd contradictions.  Progress is celebrated, only so that it can then be demolished with revolutions that are more radical and more strange, so as to negate everything that has been achieved, and to come away as primitives after having so exalted the advances of the modern world.

This state of uncertainty even holds sway in the Church.  There was the belief that after the Council there would be a day of sunshine for the history of the Church.  Instead, it is the arrival of a day of clouds, of tempest, of darkness, of research, of uncertainty.  We preach ecumenism but we constantly separate ourselves from others.  We seek to dig abysses instead of filling them in. 


How has this come about?  The Pope entrusts one of his thoughts to those who are present:  that there has been an intervention of an adverse power.  Its name is the devil, this mysterious being that the Letter of St. Peter also alludes to. So many times, furthermore, in the Gospel, on the lips of Christ himself, the mention of this enemy of men returns.  The Holy Father observes, “We believe in something that is preternatural that has come into the world precisely to disturb, to suffocate the fruits of the Ecumenical Council, and to impede the Church from breaking into the hymn of joy at having renewed in fullness its awareness of itself.  Precisely for this reason, we should wish to be able, in this moment more than ever, to exercise the function God assigned to Peter, to strengthen the Faith of the brothers.  We should wish to communicate to you this charism of certitude that the Lord gives to him who represents him though unworthily on this earth.”  Faith gives us certitude, security, when it is based upon the Word of God accepted and consented to with our very own reason and with our very own human spirit.  Whoever believes with simplicity, with humility, sense that he is on the good road, that he has an interior testimony that strengthens him in the difficult conquest of the truth. 

The Pope concludes:  The Lord shows himself to be light and truth for him who accepts him in his Word, and his Word becomes no longer an obstacle to the truth and the path to well-being, but rather a stair-step upon which we can climb and truly be conquerors in the Lord who reveals himself through the path of faith— this faith that is the anticipation and guarantee of the definitive vision.

Note how much Dr. Marshall left out of his smoky analysis.  From the context of the homily, it is very clear that  Pope St. Paul VI’s “smoke of Satan” is not the plot to put a pope of Satan on the throne of St. Peter as suggested by Dr. Marshall.  Pope Sy. Paul VI is not referring to a plot of the Carbonari, the Freemasons, communists, Soviet spies, or anyone else infiltrating the Church to attack it from within.  He is not talking about anyone infiltrating anything anywhere.  No, the “smoke of Satan” refers to poisonous words of scientists, politicians, social engineers, and critics of the Church like Dr. Marshall himself, who seek to sow uncertainty, doubt, and confusion about the teachings of Vatican II.  The pope warns us about the cacophony of voices in the external world seeking to drown out or distract the faithful from the teachings of the Second Vatican Council.     

To emphasize what Pope St. Paul VI stated above:
"We believe in something that is preternatural that has come into the world precisely to disturb, to suffocate the fruits of the Ecumenical Council, and to impede the Church from breaking into the hymn of joy at having renewed in fullness its awareness of itself.”
When one examines the quote in its context without Dr. Marshall’s faux commentary, it becomes obvious why he did not give proper attribution or provide context for the quote to be correctly understood.  Dr, Marshall could not let the facts get in the way of his narrative. Truth takes second place to world view.  That’s not apologetics, but polemics or even propaganda.  Contrarty to the spin that Dr Marshall gives Pope St. Paul VI's words, it is obvious from the text of the homily,that it is books like Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within that is "smoke of Satan" to which he was referring.  That book was written precisely to disturb and suffocate the fruits of Second Vatican Ecumenical Council.   

“Smoke of Satan” or a whiff of bushwa spread by Dr. Marshall?  You decide.  In any event, the first link in the pattern of facts upon which Dr. Marshall builds his conspiracy theory is shattered.

Next Chapter:  The Carbonari Quick-Step.


1.               Throughout his book, Dr. Marshall refuses to acknowledge that Paul VI is a canonized saint of the Church who was recognized as such on October 14, 2018.   

2.               Marshall, Taylor. Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within . Sophia Institute Press. Kindle Edition. Location 131-139. 


ehop said...

Very helpful. I hope you will continue your commentary.

ArizonaWill said...

Thank you for doing this. I have watched many of Taylor Marshall's videos but I seldom can make it through an entire YOUTUBE "episode" due to the distortions and outright sneering hatred being expressed, especially by Taylor's partner Tim Gordon. Both men have found fresh meat in the gay movement and foster the most juvenile stereotypes that would have been embarrassing to intelligent people back in the 1940's. Evidently, old stereotypes, e.g., that gay people join the priesthood because they love the lace and gaudy frocks, because gays like to redecorate churches (being innate interior decorators), and love to use Church funds to go shopping! The hostility to anything more modern than the invention of the wheel is paramount to most episodes. Latin is God's language. Every other living language is a mutt next to the pure bred spirituality of Latin. Facing an empty tabernacle is much superior to facing the actual congregation and sharing the consecration with them. It is invalid to receive the host standing up in the hands (Taylor seems to have invalidated both the Pope and the Magisterium since Vatican II). In one episode, Taylor was speaking with adoring terms to a liturgy once used in the 13th century. His slogan might be "If it was good enough for the Dark Ages, it should be good enough for us". The man lives in a strange right wing Texas mindset. He refuses to even travel to blue states like California because they are too filled with sin he told us in one episode. His pal Tim blames the entire boomer generation for Vatican II, even though we were all still kids at the time. Apology is not a word in their vocabulary unless they are demanding that the entire 20th and 21st centuries apologize for existing. Why have I used my time to watch? Because I find some of their ranting quite amusing and entertaining. But usually it goes too far into a rather vicious smug level of condescension towards EVERYONE different from themselves. I am sure this is not original but I coined it myself: "Right wing conservatives only care about an issue if it impacts them personally. Liberals care if the issue impacts anyone". I have seldom seen 2 men with less empathy for anyone unlike themselves since I stopped watching Fox News. Thanks for adding the needed intellectual tone to the discussion of Taylor's latest diatribe against the Catholic Church. Yes, there are terrible sex scandals in the Church, but Taylor on the warpath against the Church as a spiritual entity in the 21st century. Nothing is too trivial for him to debase.

JBQ said...

Something is very wrong with the Church. To comment otherwise is insane. Pope Francis has turned out to be a "new and better version" of Christ.

Son of Ya'Kov said...

I have tried to defend Pope Francis but I think he is a very problematic Pope and sober & principled critics should address those problems he creates & they should do it publicly and respectfully. That having been said the "I hate Francis conspiracy brigade" should bugger off! They make it hard for principled & loyal critics (like Cardinal Burke or Ed Feser and others ) to be heard and they shoot the whole enterprise in the foot.

Let us make a political analogy. There is a difference between the principled, rational and sober criticism of Donald Trump by Ben Shapiro or Mark Levin vs the fruitcake rantings of Rachel Maddow or auntie Maxine Waters post Muller report. I can acknowledge for two centuries Arianism over ran & hurt the Church without crafting some implausible or fantastic conspiracy theory how Arius and his descendants ran the whole show from a secret underground bunker in Palestine with the help of Pope Liberius and Kaiser Constantinus with an assist from the Illuminati after they built that time machine over at Roswell.

I can believe is may be very probable Archbishop Vigano has plausible charges that should be looked into. That it is possible Pope Francis let McCarrick run amok either because he is a villain or gravely naive or forgetful in a medically demostrable manner.

But instead of looking into it clowns like Marshall will come in suck out all the oxygen in the room with his crazy conspiracy theories.

This does not do a service to the Church it damages it further and if God bide Pope Francis is the villain they say he is well books like this only serve to help him.

BTW for the record I don't think Pope Francis is in his heart of hearts a villain but if the house in on fire opening a can of gasoline to pour on the flames to "put it out" isn't helpful.


Paul Hoffer said...

Thank you all for commenting on my post. I will try to respond to your comments but I have been busy writing the next post.

A couple of thoughts on Pope Francis.

First, he is a Jesuit and has been formed according to St. Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises. This means that he will approach things always starting with the principle of freedom of conscience is the starting point to discerning truth. He always starts there and he assumes that the person will form his/her conscience through a process of discerning to discover the truth. He often forgets that we aren't all Ignatians.

Second, there is an adage in the Church that she is firm in doctrine but merciful in practice. When taking a pastoral approach, one has to dance a fine line between the two. And that is how one needs to read Amoris laetitia. Francis seems to dance more on the side of mercy so it surprises folks when he does firmly teach doctrinely.

Regards and blessings!!!

. .

Anonymous said...

"No, the “smoke of Satan” refers to poisonous words of scientists, politicians, social engineers, and critics of the Church like Dr. Marshall himself, who seek... "

I am surprised that you left out liberal and confused theologians, priests, and bishops from this list. They too wish to sow confusion about the teachings of VC2, after all they themselves are confused.

Unknown said...

To discern the truth using freedom of conscience is Masonic. Our thoughts are influenced by everything around us from abusive parents to hoodlum friends all the way to the satanic media. Truth can only be found through Christ our lord and Saviour. Branches do not sprout from walls or from the ground buy from the tree's trunk.